🌱 Welcome... Let's grow!

Hello! Hooray! We did it!

You may not realize that you did something, but you did. I did the work of creating a place where you could sign up for this email, and you trusted me with your email address. I wrote it and sent it, and you opened it! 🎉 So here we are. That's something I'm going to celebrate, I promise!

Welcome to the very first Faith STEMS email. I don't know what I'm going to calls these messages yet, but I do know that I am hoping this will be a place where I can share some encouragement and maybe a STEM activity idea on a weekly-ish basis. I hope you like that idea!

When I look at the world, I see metaphors. The sky represents God's vast perspective and the ocean represents the depths of His love. The mountains remind me of His majesty and spring speaks of new growth after seasons of rest or loss.

Some metaphors might lead to a STEM activity, but in most cases it's enough just to ponder them and let God use them to bless and strengthen our hearts.

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the sky displays his handiwork. Day after day it speaks out; night after night it reveals his greatness. There is no actual speech or word, nor is its voice literally heard. Yet its voice echoes throughout the earth; its words carry to the distant horizon..." (Psalm 19:1-4 NET)

As I thought about these emails and what they might hold, I realized it feels a bit like finding a sprout in my vegetable garden that I didn't plant. I recognize it isn't a weed, so I decide to let it grow. I water it and watch it and wait to see what kind of squash or melon it might produce, and there is joy in the wondering and waiting.

I've always wanted to share a regular newsletter (or whatever-this-is), but it never seemed like quite the right time to start and I didn't know yet what exactly I would share. When I decided last month to try to create my first Faith STEMS video lessons, I didn't think about the fact that it could lead to people signing up for my dream email list, so this feels like an unexpected, delightful surprise garden sprout that I am excited to nurture so we can see together what might grow.

"I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow." 1 Corinthians 3:6 (NLT)

We almost never know what all God has planned, but let's nurture the good things in our lives when we see them -- and let's watch to see what God grows.

Thanks so much for signing up for whatever this is going to be. It's a JOY to have you along for the ride and I hope you enjoy whatever we get to harvest together.

I'm curious... how does God speak to you? What's your favorite way to listen? I'd love to hear from you. Hit reply to this email and your message will land in my inbox. Easy-peasy!

Always Growing,


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Faith STEMS emails from me right here.

Did you sign up for Faith STEMS: Christmas yet?

The Faith STEMS: Christmas mini-course contains 3 STEM+Scripture lessons you can do with your kids that will bless and encourage all of your hearts. They're Bible based, hands-on, and low prep! I'll guide you through an experiment or exploration and then provide an encouraging spiritual application. Short and sweet (15-20 minutes of video per lesson), and super affordable (only $9!), they're perfect if you're looking for something festive for homeschool science or for an activity to do with the kids once they're home on break. Learn more at faithstems.teachable.com.


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If this email isn't what you hoped for when you signed up, no worries! Feel guilt-free to unsubscribe or update your preferences. Did you get this from a friend? You can sign up to receive Faith STEMS emails from me right here.

Hi! I'm Melissa Ens.

Teacher. Learner. Birdwatcher. Bible nerd. Sign up for my Faith STEMS: Reflections email list to get the inside scoop about what God is teaching me through creation each week.

Read more from Hi! I'm Melissa Ens.

Patience in the Winter Seasons When I looked at the trees and bushes outside last week, from a distance they mostly looked asleep - or even dead. Winter is like that. Trees look barren and skies are often gray. It's cold and dark and not the time of year we associate with growth. To be honest, winter is not my favorite season. I know some people love it, but the cold days and long, dark nights make me feel dreary and unmotivated. I struggle to feel like I'm growing the way I want to. Are...

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brown and gray bird

Hello, friends. I'm back and have decided to call these emails Reflections. According to dictionary.com, "reflection" is a noun meaning: the act of reflecting, as in casting back a light or heat, mirroring, or giving back or showing an image; the state of being reflected in this way.an image; representation; counterpart. a fixing of the thoughts on something; careful consideration. a thought occurring in consideration or meditation. I hope these emails will be a place where I can reflect the...